Saturday, March 2, 2013


Learn, young man. Learn!
Quit apologies
Quit excuses and learn!

Quit justifications and 'self-pathy'
Quit all this rubbish!


There's no missing it here
Now or later
This life or after
Willfully or not
but certainly.

You must Learn!

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry for being who I wasn't
I'm sorry for being who I was
I'm sorry for doing what I wouldn't
And sorry for doing what I did

I'm very sorry and even more ashamed
For crushing your trust and bringing you pain
I admit the terrible decision I made
I feel the guilt like blood through my vain

An ocean of apology is grossly insufficient
And would any other words I attempt to say
So please accept my deepest regret
If forgiveness is too much to ask today

I'm very sorry I looked so trustworthy all along
Earned your trust then eventually proved you wrong
I'm sorry for the first words I ever spoke to you
I'm sorry for the good, the bad and all I've ever done to you

Say Something

Say yes
Or say no
But don't say nothing

Say what's on your mind
But don't say everything's okay
Or that you're fine
Don't always be hoping
I'll wait to find out with time
Say it now
Lest I make silence your crime

Say what you want or what is wrong
Say what you think or wish be done

I can't promise I'll surely incline to all you have to say
But still i crave you speak them clearly today

Say something, take the risk, escape the danger
That I'll eventually become your closest stranger
For one day, this silence I'll cease to condemn
And find the prospect of peace in them

Say yes
Or say no
But just say something

Because I love you

Because I love you

I’ll teach you how to live this life
I’ll make you wise and show you the tricks to survive
Just listen and learn
Hearken to my instructions
I know all you need to
I’ll help you

Because I love you

I’ll share with you my mediocrity
I’ll offer you the very advice that limited me
I’ll teach you all the wrong things I learnt from trusted tutors
Embrace my gifts to you; timidity and cowardice…you’ll need them
Don’t stand up for truth and justice, they often cost too much
Don’t risk failure, even if it promises great success, true joy and personal fulfillment later on
Right things don’t always work here… so please pursue what does
I know you may not quite get it now
But still I’m taking the pains to tell you this

Because I love you

I won’t let you make the same mistake
I won’t watch you carry a heavy cross
I won’t let you be a Mandela, Martin Luther King Jnr or a Jesus
No! I love you too much for that.
I want you around, I want you well,
I want you prospering; even though in cyclical nothingness
I want to see you great; it’s a worthy exchange for heroic purposefulness
I wish you well my friend, my student, my brother, my son and dear colleague
Please forgive me if I sound too caring
I mean you no harm

It’s simply because I love you

That’s why I’ve refused to entertain your queries
See, I don’t care whether or not you agree
And it doesn’t really matter to me that you might be a revolutionary
You are just being naive …there’s little sense you could make right now
You just can’t be right enough to do different!
You can’t be wiser than all of us who’ve walked this path
You can only be like us or worse
So please heed my loving guidance
‘Cos I hope to lovingly welcome you to a ‘safe’ future of shallowness
I'm whole hardheartedly inviting you now

Because I love

I’ll give you all you need that I have
though I don’t have your next breath

I’ll tell you all you need to know
though I don’t know tomorrow

I’ll bear with you every of your load
though you’ll have to handle your own regrets

I’ll guide you through all of life
though you’ll eventually stand alone to give account before God

See how much I can do for you?