It's overflowing from within me
I find myself in your presence
And I'm overwhelmed with excitement
I can't explain
Swept from my feet, I bow;
How can I not bow
How can I be silent
I forget how to be still
I loose control...I loose it all
Before you
I find pleasantness intangibly strong
No better place could I belong
My consciousness denies me
Radical humility overtakes me
ha ha ha...I don't know why I just wanna laugh
I don't know why I just have to be loud
I can't explain
But I love it here
It feels perfect!
The world ceases to exist before my being
All I see is you
And your glory overtakes my soul
I'm lost
I can't stop ha ha...
Making sounds I can't comprehend
I'm overflowing in expression
Your presence Lord, your presence
Empties and fills, breaks and heals
At the same moment
I see eternity
I see absolutely nothing else but You!
My hands want to clap
My feet want to jump
My bones want to dance
My mouth is confused;
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
My eyes twitch open and close for no reason
My lungs in unscorable rhythm
Long to exhale and inhale another
From whence comes that fragrance
From whence comes this joy!!!!
ha words...strange words
I'm mad Lord...Lord, I'm drunk of your Presence
More Lord, More
I can't stop, I can't stop!!!!
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