Friday, November 18, 2011

Is That It?

Is that it?
Is that the love?
‘Chemistry’ of mounting emotions on a down curve?

Is that the love?
Words too good; too true
Kisses too sweet,
too soothing; surface seeking
Body pleasing, always needing
More, more, deeper, better
Never ceasing
To be unsatisfied is the satisfaction
Is it?
Is that it?

But he truly loves me and she, she truly wants me
There, up, down somewhere, always around.
I mean, It was meant to be,
I feel
Something, that thing
I feel different, special,
Care, something down here
I feel we are meant for each other, you know
“Meant to be together”
For real
I , I feel…
Nothing really?

Is that the love?
On the bed, ok maybe not
On the couch,
Out on the beach
Holding hands walking the street
The movies,  cuddling
The woods, the field
The company, the gifts
The airtime evaporating;
Terminal to terminal.
The perfection
That has never promised to stay
The ‘is’ longing to become ‘was’
Is that it?

Is that the love?
You, give your passion and being ?
Is that what you trade His temple for?
Is that what you give in return for a life ended with thorns, excruciating pain and nails on the cross
The love shown to us
Is that the reason why your heart can’t fully be His?
Is that why he cries for you and keeps reaching for your heart?
Is that why you keep holding back?
Is that fair?

Isn’t that what the wise Teacher-king called meaningless?
I denied my self nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure…and everything was meaningless, a chasing of the wind; nothing was gained under the sun
Is that it?
Is that the love?
You give your passion and being ?
Is that what you trade My temple for?
Is that what you give in return for a life ended with thorns, excruciating pain and nails on the cross
Is that the reason why your heart can’t fully be Mine?
Is that why I cry for you and keep reaching for your heart
Is that why you keep holding back?

I love you and gave my life
To save you, to show you
I still love you, more love than you can ever give or find
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us
So my heart aches for what you have now called love.
But I shall be here waiting.
I shall keep knocking.
For you to step out
Into my arms, fully
With your whole heart.
Why would you want to hurt me one more time?
Why won’t you just let go now, and come?
Just come!
That is it!

This is one of my very old write-ups (written about a year and half ago). Just saw it and thought I post it instead of infinitely waiting for when I'll feel like polishing and editing it to my satisfaction. So there it is..raw as then though!

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