Friday, December 17, 2010

Her Shoulder

She tells me everything
The hands they held
The walk around the park.
Everything they do
In light and dark.
We're really close...
And I'm always there for her

When she's crying. Hurt.
Comfort and sympathy's what she wants.
So I give all I have. Almost.
She knows I care...
Yes, I'm always there for her.

But she's got that move and I'v got this smile.
She's off my shoulder to his arms.
And, oh no, it makes me sick.
But she doesn't understand...
'Cos I'm always there for her.

Sometimes I feel foolish
Atimes flirt with regret of not aspiring for the wand of change
But, however, convinced of the noblty
I simply chose...
Not the hand that holds her.

I'll be her shoulder.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why Are They Changing Us?

Why are they changing us?
Why are they making us become like them?
The smart guys
Why are they...
Making us believe in selfishness
Nothing matters more than what we chase
"Help me make it or wait till I do"
see the top...if you make it

Why are they succeeding?

With lies and pretense
It keeps people off your back and lets you advance
Then surprise!!!...with success
Cheer or feel fooled
Surely, a handshake is preferable to regret

Why can't true relationships thrive?
A penny or a hand...there has to be something to gain
Else, whats the point?

Whats wrong?
They honour victory over virtue
They prefer present to potential
The good guys get rewards
And the real good guys...
"They'll remain our hearts"

Where is my innocence?
Where is my drive to do things the right way?
Where is my adoration for sincerity?
I used to trust
I used to love wholeheartedly
I used to believe my senses
Now everything's twisted

What have they done to me?
What have they done to us?

We have to choose
To be good or to survive

Monday, June 7, 2010

You Knew (...It hurts)

It kills to know that you already knew
you’d apologize and I’ll forgive you
Even before you lunched the offense.
It kills to know you knew you would
“find a way” to 'make up'
for the time you selfishly spent on things
which were to your benefit alone while I needed you
...because you knew “it would pass.”

Oh it hurts! It hurts to know you knew
I wouldn’t stay away or be silent forever,
so you went on, not caring…not bothering how I felt
because you knew it wouldn’t always be like this.
It hurts when you gently pierce my emotions
with your acquaintance of the future
because soon the blade will be withdrawn and put down,
you knew that. It Kills!

I want to blame you but how can I?
Apparently, you were right.
I forgave you, I would.
I’ll not be silent or keep away forever.
I smiled when you returned from achieving the world for yourself,
I was happy for all you achieved.
And that terrible phase…It passed, like you had anticipated.
It seemed new…a successful reconciliation, a re-acceptance.
With maturity, it didn’t hurt that bad anymore.

You were right. You won!
You used the future against me and it worked, perfectly.
Can I blame you? Or should I simply admit that
the future is a weapon available to all
and those who can hold it and use it skillfully enough
will always win, and regret little?
Probably...but it hurts…
when I’m pierced with the future.
It kills to know you will do it again and again
and again until the future changes.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two Heads Are Better Than Three

There is this thing about a has to be a pair; a trio just doesn't work as well.

At least not in relationships. And I mean relationships of almost any kind.


Friday, April 2, 2010


If you read minds then don't read mine
'Cos the depth is deep and there lay inside
No gold mine
But A labyrinth you'll find
So let me remind
That you please be kind
To your feeling and not inclined
To chasing my heart 'cos its more than you can handle

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


You don't have to be the sun, just be the light.
You don't have to be 'the one', just stand beside.
And you don't have to be there forever,
just walk a while together.
'Cos time will change when it needs to,
And things will when the season's due.
But remember to afterward smile,
And listen to the silence:
A whisper;
"job done, son, that was your 'assignment'!"


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Friend of God

Ok...I came across this song on Youtube ( and loved. But I could imagine it with a rap so I wrote one for it...and recorded it...and added it!!

Rap Lyrics:

I'm a
friend of God, if u know what i mean
I've got a friend so different from the many I've seen
Who has taken me to places I would never have been;
Forgiven my sin; making me so clean
I'm soaked in
The depths of His love
Love so strong He sent His son from above
To bring me back again
He took the shame
He took my blame
He took the pain
That was meant for me
To set me free
So I can be
Together with the Father in the heavenly places
My case is
One that I'm proud to
Rap to the world and would always be glad to
Sing it on and on if I have to
You can sing along if u'ld like to
But there aint no holding back cos I'm confident
The father is my buddy and he calls me friend

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What We Did

We stood together so we could stand alone
We worked together so we could earn our own
We hardly existed more than we individually did
Real friendship is rare. Rare indeed!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm not gon' change my song

All seated.
Filaments heated,
Beaming with expectation from all angles
Cue given
One breathe is not deep enough
And does not ease enough
So with lids shut I take another
"OK, Lets do this!"

Wait!! this feels different;
These people; this stage
And, that's not my song playing
C'mon!!! not for this long.
Hey...this is not my song!
Yes...yes, I know this one
But this is not the one for today
I'm puzzled!

But who can hear
Beyond this silence and sighs of seeming confidence
Many emotions, many questions
Many tunes playing at once
Should I change my song?

Another second gone
And I'm still on poise
like Chiffon for a bullet
I wear hope for these rays
Piecing through my skin
As we all wait
I anticipate the second, 'Future'
Yes, my heart to wait a moment longer
'Cos this is not my song!
Mine has got much cheer and joy in its notes
Mine is a victor's song
I'm not gon' sing this one
I'm not gon' change my song

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bring 'em On!

One sheet after the other,
I flip each like the dollar,
They pick 'em when I'm done n
They keep 'em when I'm gone n
...Next thing, they bring me a number;
They weigh me like a scale so they've gotta be under
The top is ma spot; there aint no putting asunder
The Lord's ma support; there aint no reason to wonder
So you can, bring on the rain n bring on the thunder
Bring on some pain; It just makes me stronger!!

(I wrote this during my final year 1st Semester exam time)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'm not that tall...I'm simply standing on the grace of the Most High.
I don't roll like 'em folks...I mount on eagle's wings while they be trying to feel 'so fly'.
I've got Treasure that money can't buy; they've got pleasures that don't satisfy.
I'm normal; so, yes, I cry! I'm mortal; so, yes, I'll die!
But still we'll be as different as heaven is from the sky