Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Friend of God

Ok...I came across this song on Youtube ( and loved. But I could imagine it with a rap so I wrote one for it...and recorded it...and added it!!

Rap Lyrics:

I'm a
friend of God, if u know what i mean
I've got a friend so different from the many I've seen
Who has taken me to places I would never have been;
Forgiven my sin; making me so clean
I'm soaked in
The depths of His love
Love so strong He sent His son from above
To bring me back again
He took the shame
He took my blame
He took the pain
That was meant for me
To set me free
So I can be
Together with the Father in the heavenly places
My case is
One that I'm proud to
Rap to the world and would always be glad to
Sing it on and on if I have to
You can sing along if u'ld like to
But there aint no holding back cos I'm confident
The father is my buddy and he calls me friend